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arsen1computerklub – für Freunde und Freundinnen

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Diesmal greifen wir ein wenig weiter in die Kiste voll elektronischer Musik und zaubern einen Akt heraus, von dem man in nächster Zeit sicher noch mehr hören wird. Aber hört einfach selbst.


Arsen1Computerklub – a name that
sounds complicated, but actually he is not.
Since 2000, it stands for the unstoppable
urge to celebrate electronic music.
And it is not a genre omitted. Who gets
to hear Arsen1Computerklub
will immerse in a wide range of sounds.
It can travel from minimal techno and trip-hop
to Nu Jazz and IDM or Glitch.
From time to time there should be a little drum & bass and breakbeat –
here are his musical beginnings & roots.
True to the motto „Never forget your roots“, he plays and produces free of any constraints of what he likes.
One while returning again and again: the feeling.
The degree of feeling that everything connects, and the listener with each DJ set, and each production seems to take

Für Freunde und Freundinnen by arsen1computerklub


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